and Master Classes

UP Program

This path is for you if you if:

  • You have an ACSTH/Level 1 or another certification from a previous coaching training
  • Are looking to develop your coaching experience further

What you will gain:

  • Work with experienced coaches – grapple with novelty core coaching styles and processes of professional executive coaching
  • A Level 2 or Level 1 diploma, depending on your previous training, allows you to obtain your ACC or PCC easily once you have your practice hours
  • Focus on practice methods – spend time with mentoring groups, practice sessions, and demos to ensure best results for your coachees
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Masterclasses and More


You are already a coach – possibly with experience in workshop moderation or group facilitation – and would like to take your coaching to the next level, supporting building high performance teams? Then this course is for you!

We just started our brand-new online masterclass for Team Coaching with incredible success – an innovative format loved by coaches and coached teams equally.

Our unique setup combines profound Academy know-how workshops about team development with direct practical application: Coaching actual BA client teams together with fellow coach colleagues, with our Academy Teaching Coaches Katja Bossert and Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bossert always at your side for supervision, tips and tricks.

The 40+ hours online course plus peer work concludes the whole team coaching process from contracting with the team lead to design and facilitation of tailored team coaching sessions, followed by a progress workshop. We teach in English.

Team Coaching builds on individual coaching which is best seen and illustrated by the ICF Team Coaching Competencies which are build on 8 coaching competencies as defined by ICF plus additional specific team competencies to add to each of the 8 competencies. Please scroll through this document to see the visualisation as puzzle pieces of ind. coaching competencies and team coaching competencies.

Caught fire? For more details take a look at our brochures for coaches or teams or contact us directly!


Download the brochure


Download the brochure


GMC & IMC – Mentor Coaching/Supervision

We would like to offer you the opportunity to continue to further your coaching education. We offer this through either Group Mentor Coaching (GMC) or Individual Mentor Coaching (IMC) sessions.

  • GMCs are typically with 5-6 participants with a minimum of 4 participants. They are 2 hrs sessions where you can discuss your current coaching work and your questions about coaching. You will get answers to your questions and the necessary input to continue growing in your coaching style. A live practice with feedback is possible.
  • IMCs are individual work with a master coach. You will get input on challenges within your current work with clients and can get coached as a coach (supervision). You can share some elements of your work and discuss challenging moments. Q&A and tips on coaching.

Overall, supervision in the form of a GMC or IMC is a must for coaches. We should always further our development if we are working as coaches. If you are in need of the 10 mentor coaching hours for your personal ICF credential (ACC, PCC, MCC) we are happy to support you with a special offer for 7 hours as a group and 3 hours individually (see brochure)

*** UPCOMING available slots for GMCs***



In our online course, you can develop your skill in coaching in an intensive way with twelve 3-hour online workshops, a review of your recordings, deep practice, and an essay. At the end of these 60 hrs, you will have your exam at ACC-level and the foundation for a personal accreditation with ICF as ACC. Twice a year, in April and October, you can start this deep 6-month journey with us!

Get inspired by learning about people and yourself. You will be intensively coached and coach others and tremendously develop, not only a new skill set but also yourself.

Our groups are great communities that will accompany you along the way together with your teaching coaches, who are real experts in their fields. You will enjoy being in regular contact with like-minded people. With us, you will even get a real pro bono client to test your skills, an International NGO leader, and thus support their good causes.

At the end of the course, you have the opportunity to decide to go one level deeper and continue your path to a Level 2 diploma. With this diploma, you have even easier access to your ACC credential after 100 hrs of practice and can even get your PCC credential with no further effort after another 400 hrs of practice. This “Upgrade to PCC” course runs twice each year and is a great additional choice open to you in case you fall in love with coaching, as so many do.