Diversity &
Overcome human bias to leverage your team’s creativity and innovation to the fullest
Everyone should be free to give their best, independent of gender, ethnical background, sexual orientation, or any other dimension of personal diversity. Nowadays, everyone recognizes this imperative yet achieving this remains frustratingly difficult.
Our diversity programs help you to overcome bias and achieve a company culture that allows for the best development and performance of all.
Dual Careers –
‘My Way’
As a woman, the program allows you to stay true to whatever your own vision of being female is — at the same time succeeding in a corporate world still filled with male-dominated leadership ideals and the infamous glass ceiling.
Equally important, as a man you are empowered and equipped to develop clear ideas how to step up to your personal ideal combination of your corporate career and further grand activities that may be waiting for you out there.

You want to move something in your career? You are a fresh leader or are preparing to shortly take over a new team? Then this 2-day workshop, with a mix of coaching elements and leadership tools, is for you!
Our open seminary in cooperation with the employers’ association of German insurers (AGV) and the German insurance academy (DVA) is especially targeting women from different insurance companies — fostering open and inspiring exchange, pushing networking and female leadership development across the industry.